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What They Don’t Tell You About Success

Insights from a World Record athlete

Croix Sather


The hardest part of breaking the world record running through Death Valley wasn’t the 117 degree heat, or pushing a 270 pound cart filled with food, water and supplies for 146 miles, or even the 25,000 of elevation climb.

Croix Sather crossing the finish line of a 2,621 mile run across America
Croix Sather crossing the finish line of a 2,621 mile run across America (photo by author)

The hardest part was running 50 miles every Saturday, pushing a training cart.
The hardest part was running 10 miles every day of the week.
The hardest part was living with the pain every movement of every day.

Success doesn’t happen at the finish line.
It happens before you even start the race.

Success doesn’t happen in the moment you achieve your goal. It doesn’t happen when you start a business, or when make your first million dollars, or lose fifty pounds.

Success happens by doing the things day-in and day-out to make you worthy of accomplishing your goal.

The hardest part in breaking the world record in the Badwater solo self-contained race was training for months and months. Doing it all alone. No cheering crowd. Nobody at the start line or the finish line. Getting up in the dark and not finishing until it was dark. Nobody to say “keep going! You got this!” when you still have 20 miles to run on a training day.

Success doesn’t happen at the finish line.
It happens in the day after day work it takes to get to the start line.

Success happens in the weeks, months and years it takes you to get ready. The finish line is the result of your work, dedication, and persistence.

The finish line of achieving your goal is the confirmation that became the person who is worthy of achieving the goal.

Getting to the finish line of your goal is going to be tough sometimes. You will fail down and maybe even fail in epic style. Don’t fight it. Allow it, knowing that this is the journey to success.

When you read biographies of iconically successful people, you will find a commonality within them all. They did the work even when the work was hard. They stay focused even when they could have been easily distracted. They stayed the course even when they wanted to quit.

Success isn’t a destination.
Success is a journey to get to the finish line.

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7 Seven Success Habits that will change your life, by Croix Sather << Click here and get your free audio program as a gift.



Croix Sather

Making money while I sleep w automated income because 9–5 is a miserable way to live. Expat living travel lifestyle. 28 countries. 2 world records. TEDx speaker